Heard about The Tapping Solution Summit

Part of the beauty of network marketing is that it provides
a way for you to be the best you can be. You have to grow
in order to be successful & this way you get to learn
about the many different ways to do that.

Have you ever been exposed to E.F.T. or Tapping?
Well I had, but didn't know anything about it. It seemed
to keep coming up so I had to  investigate it. In the process
I came across an expert in the field that I want to share
with you.

Actually they are about to put on their forth annual
event called the Tapping Solution Summit & you
can learn all about it http://bit.ly/IFaXh6

This event has been all the buzz lately and it's with
good reason…

This event is 100% content, all designed to help you
get results…and the entire 10 days of the event are free.

In the event you'll learn exactly how to use Tapping for
a variety of different issues. I believe there is a method
for any problem you may have.

This is the 4th year that this event has run. Last year there
were over 300,000 people who registered.  There's a reason
why the event keeps growing from year to year…it's because
Tapping works!

And since this event only happens once per year…you
want to make sure to check it out right away so you can
learn how to use Tapping in your life.


After all, if you could learn a technique that could drastically
improve your life and you could learn how to do it for
free…wouldn't you want to?

See you at the summit,

Lorenzo Rothery
Four Very Silly Mistakes That Can Lead Your MLM Email Marketing To Failure

You must have heard of how email marketing is a very profitable way to arouse the
interest of a prospect in joining into your MLM opportunity. However, you must also
know that there are some common pitfalls to avoid here. Email marketing has to be
done very carefully. The following are four mistakes that are definitely avoidable
(we are only talking about email marketing to your opt-in lists here, not email
marketing that is sent to a random group of people; that borders on spamming anyway):-

You also have to be aware of these four mistakes because emails are read less today
than they where just a few years ago. People just do not take the time or have it to
read emails like they use to. Now it is not completely dead as some people like to make
it out to be but you do not want to give your readers any more reason not to read yours.

Containing Pointless and Meaningless Content

When the person first opted in to your list, they were looking forward to get some
meaningful information from you. Now, if you send out emails that contain fluff and
junk, they are surely going to delete that email and probably even block you. Give
them valuable content and they will stay with you. There is no need to flood their
inboxes with your emails. Even if you send an email once or twice a month, it is
enough, provided you give them high quality information.

Using Poor Grammar and Punctuation

If you think these things are irrelevant in emails, you need to do a serious rethink.
Business emails need to have impeccable grammar and punctuation. That is
important if you want to impress the English-speaking audience. If you are
targeting people who speak a different language, it is best to write emails to them
in that language and, once again, it is important to pay attention to the spelling,
grammar and punctuation of that language.

Using a Generic Tone

Even though the person getting the email from you knows that the email has been
sent out to a lot of other people, it makes them happy to see that you have done a
little bit of customization and personalization for them. A very simple thing like
including their name in the beginning makes a great deal of difference. You have
software applications available that can automate that, so it is no great deal. One
more very important thing that you have to keep in mind is the tone of the email.
You should not make it sound too highbrow and technical. A breezy conversational
tone is the best to have.

Lacking in Punch

Your email has to have the chutzpah that can entice the reader. It is extremely
important to put some motivation in there for them so that they take the action you
intend them to. It pays to have a professional writer write out the emails for you so
that it fits in with the eligibilities mentioned here and above. This is a very small thing
to do if you want your MLM business to grow.

Top Tips - How to Promote Your Affiliate Programs

You’ve decided to use affiliates to promote your products or services.
Smart move. While you may reduce your initial purchase profits, you’ll
also gain more loyal customers and that adds up quickly. Affiliates are
a great way to not only boost sales but long-term profits as well. Of
course in order to boost those profits you want to have a top group of
affiliates promoting your business.

Here are the top tips to promote your affiliate programs.

#1 Create a separate membership site or website devoted to promoting
your affiliate program. Each program, if you have more than one, gets its
own website. This not only attracts visitors via search engines, it gives
your current affiliates a place to go for answers and it provides you with a
single point for analytics. You can test and track various marketing methods
to attract affiliates.

#2 Give away information on how to be a successful affiliate marketer. And
include links to your own affiliate programs. Consider promoting this giveaway
using your traditional marketing methods. For example, social networking and
email marketing.

#3 Provide testimonials. Collect testimonials about your affiliate program and
display them on your website. Imagine how motivating it would be to see how
much someone made selling your products or services. Money, and success, talks.

#4 Promote your affiliate program in your business marketing materials. For
example, if you have a newsletter then promote your affiliate program in your
newsletter. Often the best affiliates are current customers or subscribers. 

#5 Post your affiliate program description and opportunity on free classified websites.
For example, Craigslist and AOL.com both offer free listings and you can generate
awareness and interest for free.

#6 List your affiliate program with affiliate program directories. This is where many
affiliate marketers gather programs that match their niche.

#7 Write content for affiliate program directories, article directories, and for blogs
dedicated to affiliate marketing. Sometimes it can be difficult to gain a position as a
guest blogger. Start by commenting on the blogs and offering insight and advice. Earn
the right to pitch a blog post idea.

Make sure that you also create a top-notch affiliate program for your affiliates. They’ll
spread the good news of your affiliate program. Offer incentives, marketing materials
and support. Consider also offering a tier-based system where your affiliates can earn
more money by recruiting other affiliates and promoting your program.

A great affiliate program, and a well-promoted affiliate program, can launch your business
to a whole new level. Consider starting with the affiliates you do have. Treat them well and
motivate them to promote your program. You’ll attract top performing affiliates and earn the
success you’re seeking.
New Beginnings

Well, it is officially the start of the second quarter of the year & I hope
you are off and running. I am as I had some extra planning to do &
setup but I am going forward.

As I have being posting on my social sites that we have to be moving
forward & increasing everyday so that we grow to experience more
out of life.

Become the CCHAMPION that you are suppose to be. It is in you
now just make it happen.