Six Tips for Direct Sales Business Success and Team Development

Being successful in direct sales requires more effort than just recruitment
and training of new team members. As a leader, you will find yourself doing
a great deal of mentoring, but you also need to be able to build solid
relationships and conduct business in a trustworthy manner. 

1. Before you begin recruiting members for your team, come up with a
business plan for your business. In your business plan, include the mission,
vision, objectives, and goals of your company. Once you develop your
business plan, you can begin the task of recruiting team members that will
help your business maintain your business objectives and constantly move forward.
2. Team development begins with recruiting solid prospects. It is important
to be willing to put yourself in places that will allow you to find those who are
interested and passionate about becoming a hard-working team member.
Many online communities have forums where you can put information on your
business and recruit others. Social media websites are another great place to
find prospects for your team. 

3. Finding the prospects really isn’t the hardest part of team development.
The most difficult aspect of it all boils down to converting the prospects to
team members and making sure they are well informed and trained. For this to
happen, you need to make sure that you are well educated on your business. Be
open so that your team members can consult when they are in need of assistance.
If your team members see that you are very knowledgeable about the business,
love what you do and support them, they are much more likely to become
extraordinary team members.

4. As prospects become team members, consider these people to be your
co-workers. Each of you is working towards a common goal. In order for that to
happen, you regularly put forth an effort to lead the team. This will consist of
regular training sessions, conference calls and interaction with your team members. 

5. Time management is another essential component of ensuring success in
direct sales businesses. You will want to make sure you work on a schedule and
prioritize business tasks accordingly. What’s most important and what needs to be
done first? This is something you will also be sharing with your team members as
you coach them.

6. Assist your team members when they need it. Don’t just leave them out there to
figure it out on their own. This will also consist of helping them recruit other
members for the team. Each new member recruited is a step closer to success,
especially when the team has an awesome leader.

As your business evolves from start-up to growth, always remember to set goals.
Once you reach one goal, it’s time to set another one. Stay motivated and reward
yourself and your team for a job well done. When team members see you as a
positive example and motivator, they are much more likely to work hard, stay focused
and deliver the outcomes that will result in success for your business. 

It takes a lot of effort and time to build a successful direect sales business but in the
end it is worth it. You need to be disciplined yourself to see that things are getting
done but also knowing what needs to be done and how. There are many resources out
there to help you but finding the right ones can be a challenge as it was for me.
That was until I found one that was a complete package. It provides a way for
you to get leads and training that you need plus what you can direct your
recruits to use to help build your business. You can check it out on a trial at Join in with
me and becomea part of our special mastermind and training community
where you get access to some of the best in the business.

3 Things People Need Now

People are in a state of despair & are in a trance without
even realizing it. If you go out in where there is a group of
people, just check them out to see if I am right or not.

Look for the most part the population is still waiting on the
government to bail them out & get the economy going again.
They are still believing those lies that where told  in the past
that have not come true yet. Heck the government can't bail
itself out of the mess it is in so, what makes you thing the
are going to do anything for you.

People need to start believing in themselves again, that they
can turn their hardships around & have a less stressful life.
Lack of belief in themselves is causing them to fear doing
something different or extra to put an end to the financial
or physical pain that they are going thru. We have more
problems now with all this technology & information than
we did without it in the past.

The people do not have love for themselves or their fellow
man like they use to. They rather put up with less than they
can have becasue they feel like they do not deserve it. That's
crazy becasue you have the right to enjoy all that you can
as long as you do not cause harm to others while doing it.
If you really loved yourself & others then why are you not
making it better for you all? There is nothing wrong with
self love either because before you can love others you have
to love yourself first.
Last but not least, people are not as happy as they used to be.
They are more hateful and mean to each other which does
not do any good for us. Instead of trying to be helpful to others
usually they are trying to get over on them. Get something for
nothing. We can not go on like this because it is just going to
bring society down more than it is no and we will be like the
animals in the jungle.

So, we the people need to be awakened and start believing
in ourselves that we can make things better for all. We have to
love ourselves and others enough to make the world a
better place. Then we will have the happiness that we all are
searching for because we have done something for someone
else. That is where true happiness comes from.


You Must Be ProActive, Use Your Personal Power

You have probably found out that there are many different
kinds of people out there in this big world of ours. since
you do not know who you will come across you have to
be able to deal with just about anyone. At least long enough
until they prove themselves not worthy of your time.

I tend to be a very direct person and that does not go
over well with alot of people. So, if I am going to get
anywhere in my business, then I better learn how get
along with the variety of folks out there. What do you

Below is some information that you may find interesting
and that can be used to help you in these matters of
clearing ourself of any wrong doing wnen being sociable.

Have you run into a mortal who's so naturally friendly that
when you put him within a room of strangers, he'll be friends
with almost everybody in no time We call such a people-person,
somebody incredibly nice and magnetic that he may charm
anybody into doing anything. It is an important part of
personal development.

A socially-empowered individual accomplishes so much
greatness, essentially because of the individuals that slingshot
him to success. He earns the trust and full-scale support of the
individuals, whom he had assisted before. He never runs out of
help. He may do anything with the plethora of individuals behind
him. All because he recognizes he maximizes his social potential!

See, if you understand your social skills and you capitalize on them,
you'll reach self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is making a
general overhaul in your life and turning yourself into a more pleased
and more successful individual. If you are able to be among those
people-persons, then I can't see any reason why you won't succeed.
You just have to understand how to start.

Hypocrisy will just bring you down. Be truly nice and interested in
individuals. Once they perceive that you're Mr. Phony with selfish
intentions, you may as well say adios to self-empowerment.

To earn trust of the individuals, listen to their troubles and feel for
them. Don't just hear them out; listen to them with your core. Make
eye contact when the individual talks to you. Listen as though every
word matters and it does. You get Brownie points when they discover
that there's a confidante in you.

You don't have to be Rockefeller and waste your savings. Small
acts of kindness matter the most, and this may be as simple
as giving somebody a surprise card or helping a senior cross the street.
Now is the time to resurrect the good deeds and this time, let them stay

Pitiful how some friendships are fated to goodbye, but thanks to
technology, you are able to do something about it. Relive the good old
days by seeking the great people whom you want to communicate with
once again. Adding these old acquaintances to your roster of support
peers will certainly make you feel great all over.

Are you crabby, grouchy and that way. Eliminate the bad traits and habits
that constantly cramp your growth.
And truly, who wants a crabby friend anyhow

When angry, don't snap at anybody. Never throw a conniption. Stay
calm and collected. Be adult enough to take charge of situation and
transform your angriness into something richer and passive.

Your relationship with your loved ones, friends and associates is
too precious so you must not neglect it whatever happens. Go out and
have fun with them. Do things together.

Ultimately, utilizing individuals for self-empowerment means
becoming a better and more lovable individual. It's a win-win situation
the individuals know they may turn to you anytime and vice versa.