The Secret to Winning Big

It might be the result of too much eggnog, but here's a crazy idea
which I'd like for you to consider...

What do you think would happen if I were to follow you with a camera
crew 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the first 100 days of the New Year?

I bet 3 things would immediately take place...

1. You would START doing the things you know you
need to do.

2. You would STOP doing the things you know you
shouldn't be doing.

3. You would build MASSIVE momentum and make
monumental performance gains.

THIS IS ALL possible by raising the stakes and enforcing greater 
levels of accountability.

Accountability serves and protects your character, credibility and 
commitments. It ensures that what you want to accomplish gets accomplished.

With that reality in mind, I wanted to share with you an exciting opportunity 
to achieve every goal you set, to enforce ultimate accountability, and
show you how to start the New Year fast, focused and fired up.

Gary Ryan Blair, otherwise known as The Goals Guy, has put together a radical 
approach to goal setting and performance enhancement that truly is simply...

It's called the 100 Day Start Fast Challenge and by acting fast, you can snag a 
Special Report and free video series that over-delivers in a big way.

In my opinion, the report itself is worth its weight as it shows you how to create 
radical results - fast!

...and the video series ain't too shabby either.

You're going to love this!


P.S. The videos alone are outstanding, but please be sure to read the Special 
Report today -- it's that good and extremely time-sensitive!

Preparing Yourself for 2015

Do you know that in just about every niche, January can be a good month.

You could start the year off with a blast in January but you can not wait until
New Years Day to make your resolutions. It is only 3 days away.

If you wait until then or later then you are going to be starting behind the eight ball
from the get go. It is hard to catch up, even at that early on in the game for most people.
Then they end up not sticking with their plans for improvement.

However, imagine that you get your ideas & thoughts together now so that on
January 5 you can start to implement your plans. Do you know what that will do
for you?

It will create momentum & if you commit to your resolutions & take dedicated
action everyday, there shall be nothing that can stop you.

Start today to put your plans together for 2015. you should have a goal for your
personal development, health, financial, spiritual,  & relationships. Basically any
area of you life that you want to be better then it was in 2014.

Do not make your resolutions so that you are beating some one else in these
areas but make it about improving yourself. It is a know fact that as you improve
yourself everything else will improve.

Take action now to get this done since you have down time or time off. One of my
mentors taught us to get a spiral notebook and put the year on the cover. Used that to
write down everything that you want to get accomplished & how you are going to do it.

This way when 2015 comes in 3 days You will be ready to!

Challenge yourself to get this done. The New Year will be here before you know
it but it can be done.

What you do or do not do will influence YOUR results in 2015.

Only you can determine what those results are going to be, all it takes is you doing
the steps to make them happen.

YOU CAN DO IT! MAKE IT HAPPEN  & you will truly have a Happy New Year.  

Instantly Transform Through The Power Of Sound

Your ears conduct the amazing symphony of your body.

They govern every sound you hear and resonate with your muscles, organs, and 
the cells in your body. This process dramatically impacts your physical, emotional, 
and mental well-being – whether you know it or not.

Today, you get to access sound's amazing power to transform every area of your life.

You have been given a gift of a five-part, professionally produced online event created 
by master of the genius mind Paul Scheele. It is called the Sonic Access Mindfest, and it 
is yours free with no obligation. This online event begins December 1.

Sonic Access features the transformational music of composer Paul Hoffman, combined 
with the Paraliminal technology of Paul Scheele.

You'll name your dreams - then claim them!
All free of charge.

Your first session is ready for you right now. Just click here and you can be listening in a 
few short minutes.

* In your FIRST session you will see how you can tap into your body's complex energy 
field to align your personal intentions and manifest your goals.

* Your SECOND audio session will help you focus on the success that you desire to create 
in your life. You will ask yourself "How would I choose to live if I knew I could not fail?"

* Your THIRD session your focus will shift from success to your health. Similar to the 
previous day, you will create a health goal. You can use today for physical health as well as emotional health!

* Your FOURTH session will help you dissolve emotional and spiritual blocks to free 
yourself from fear, anger, and resentment so that you enjoy positive and loving relationships.

* Your FIFTH and final session, you will access powerful frequencies to align your body's 
energy system and create significant and lasting change. This very well might be the most 

You will go deeper and reach higher!

For over a year, master of the genius mind, Paul Scheele, worked with scientists, sound 
engineers, composers, musicians, and well-respected energy workers to create these audio 
sessions... so you can access your internal power generator and unleash your highest 

You might be happy with getting a new job...or losing those extra pounds...gaining a new 
level of confidence...greater wisdom...and that's good! The Sonic Access Mindfest will help 
you. No doubt about it. But... prepared for awesome, mind-blowing experiences to make the impossible possible! 
Be prepared for something beyond the ordinary as you truly connect with your highest self.

These free online sessions will help you deepen your understanding of yourself and others. 
It starts by claiming your Free Pass and listening to your first session right now,

Feel free to pass this email onto your friends. Let's give everyone a chance to get more from life.

While tens of thousands have purchased these recordings, they are free now, but only for a limited time. So spread the word and take advantage of this rare opportunity!

For your personal best, take action and get your free pass right now,

The Three Most Important Actions to Reduce Debt

Debt is one of the things that will keep you from being successful in your business. If you do
not control it, it will eat away at your cashflow which will drive you out of business.

There are a lot of things you can do to reduce your debt. But what are the most important things you can do? If you could only focus your energy on three things, what three things should you focus on?

These are three actions you can take immediately that'll have a dramatic debt-slashing effect on your personal balance sheet.

==> Recruit the Support of Friends and Family

Trying to fight debt all on your own is incredibly difficult. It's especially difficult if you feel like it's something you need to hide.

Getting out of debt isn't a process that happens in weeks. It almost always takes months; often it takes years.

Maintaining the self-discipline and motivation to get you through all the hard times that are bound to come up is very hard all on your own.

But with the support of people who care about you, who can hold you to your word even when the times get tough, the process gets a lot easier.

==> Commit to Pay More Than the Minimum, Every Time

The amount of money credit card companies make off of you if you only pay the minimum amount is astounding.

Try it: plug in your minimum payment, your balance and your interest rate into an online calculator. You might be shocked at just how much more you'd end up paying.

If you want to get out of debt, it's crucial that you start paying more than the minimum amount, immediately.

That often means making sacrifices in other areas of your life. It might mean making coffee at home instead of going to Starbucks. It might mean biking to work rather than driving.

Every dollar saved is a dollar that can be used to pay off your debt.

==> Not Using Credit Cards - At All

Finally, get rid of your credit cards. Or at least lock them in a drawer and give the key to someone else. Don't actually close down your credit card accounts though, as having long-history credit card accounts with low balances is usually good for your credit score.

Trying to get your credit card balances down while you're still using credit cards is a logical fallacy. It just plain doesn't work.

Yet so many people try to do just that. They try to get out of debt, but they don't actually change their spending habits.

Using credit means you're essentially using money that you haven't made yet. If you step away from that mentality and instead only commit to using money that you've already made, that alone will set you on a path to financial freedom.

These are three action steps you can take to reducing your debt today. They're not easy to take, but if you have the willpower to follow through they'll make a big difference.

If you need a way to get out of debt &/or improve your cashflow then check out this system at

Are You Ready to Achieve Your Dreams?

Remember when you where a kid and thought about how you 
was going to take over the world. Or going to make the winning play 
in the championship game of your favorite sport. How about discovering
the cure to cancer. 

Then we grow up and start a family & your dreams get lost in the
shuffle. Well, it is time to revive those or create new dreams to 
make you happy. We all deserve to be happy don't we.

Today’s the day! If you’re ready to stop being limited by your fears and 
doubts, and start quickly and easily creating the life of your dreams, to Mary’s DreamBuilder webinar!

There is a proven process by which you can make ANY dream a reality, 
whether it’s a soul-mate relationship, abundant income, a fun and 
relaxed lifestyle, a career that’s centered around your purpose and 
passion, or anything else you want to create!

Mary has spent 30 years teaching people how to use this process, and 
today she’s going to share it with you – at no cost!

Click here to learn the secrets from the comfort 
of your home!

To the dreams you’re about to fulfill,
 P.S. The principles that govern whether or not you succeed can work 
FOR or AGAINST you, so make sure they’re working in your favor! 

Click here  to discover how. 

Effortless Success Mindfest

I know you are familiar with the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. You get what you ask for. Ask/Believe/Receive.

I also know you are probably not getting everything you want.
Today that changes.

You have been given a gift of a seven-part, professionally produced audio course, created by Law of Attraction master Jack Canfield. It is called the Effortless Success Mindfest: "Activating" the Law of Attraction, and it truly is free with no obligation.

Use it. Learn from it. Change your life.

All free of charge.

Your first beautifully created session is available for you right now. Just click here and you can be listening in a few short minutes.

Link to use:

* In your FIRST session you will learn Jack's secret to Live with Purpose and Celebrate Success.

* Your SECOND audio session will help you Receive Inspiration. The topics on this recording include: Open to Guidance, Universal Laws, Inner Wisdom Meditation, Life Purpose, and Manifestation.

* Your THIRD session will help you Form Intention. Jack teaches you: Dream Big Goals, Clear Vision Meditation, Create the Vision, Intentions and Affirmations, and Appreciation.

* Your FOURTH session will help you Take Action. You will explore: Affirm then Act, Rule of Five, Positives from Negatives, Creating Your Day Meditation, Take the Leap.

* Your FIFTH session will help you Experience Growth. Jack will help you with: Trust and Respond, Daily Review Meditation, Review and Transform, Focus on Solutions, Believe the Dream, Law of Least Effort.

* Your SIXTH session reviews the Effortless Success Basics, addresses common questions, and helps you with: Staying Inspired, Keeping Faith, Your Calling, Real Guidance, Finding Purpose, Finding Clarity, Jack's Practice, and Feeling Good.

* Your SEVENTH session explores Questions and Answers from those using the teachings of Effortless Success.

Jack teamed up with our Master of the Genius Mind, Paul R. Scheele, to create the Asking Paraliminal. Put on stereo headphones, push play, close your eyes, and Jack and Paul will guide your inner mind to effortlessly activate the Law of Attraction in your life.  Listening is like being in a mental candy store. And yes, this session is free for you, too.

Why is it free? What's the catch?

It's even catch-free! No strings attached. Jack has enjoyed a mega successful life, and he wants to give you and everyone you know the opportunity to capture the power of the Law of Attraction and shine!

After all, 1/2 billion of his Chicken Soup for the Soul books are in print—you probably purchased some of them, yourself. His other most notable bestseller is The Success Principles and, of course, he was a featured teacher from the Law of Attraction hit film and book, The Secret.
These free online sessions will help you bring success into any arena of your life: your finances, your health, your relationships, your personal growth.  It starts by claiming your Free Pass and listening to your first session right now.

Yes! I want my free pass to the Effortless Success Mindfest

Link to use:

Feel free to pass this email onto your friends. Let's give everyone a chance to get more from life. While tens of thousands have purchased these recordings for hundreds of dollars, they are free now, but only for a limited time. So spread the word and take advantage of Jack's mastery and generosity.

For your effortless success,

I Challenge Me

The Forth of July is one of my top three holidays of the year. Reason being
is that it represents how our country gained its freedom & independence. So,
each year at this time I recommit myself to gaining my freedom & independence.

We all dream about having financial & time freedom but how many actual work
at achieving it? Not that many because they believe that they do not have a chance
at it. No matter how old you are or what stage of your life you are at now, it can
happen for you.

As for the title of this post it is what I am doing this month. Taking on a few
challenges that will help me achieve my dreams. I have tried to do these things
but on & off and that just doesn't work. You have to be consistent in your efforts
no matter what you are trying to improve in your life.

For instance this blog has not been posted to on a regular basis in the last few
months & that does not help me in achieving my dreams. So, I have signed
up for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, where we are to post to our blog for 31
days straight. I am all ready behind but will catch up & follow through on this.
This is something I will use to build my network so it is important to keep it up
and maintain it.

Then there is this 31 day email challenge that I stepped up for. It is a know fact that
the money is in the list so, why have I not build my like I should? Why have you not
built yours yet? Well that is changing this month as I am going to be in list building
mode from here on out.  Again this is a skill that I have to learn and apply in order to
get what I want.

This is just a couple of the things that I am willing to change so that my life will move
to the next level. There are other challenges I am taking on also for the simply reason is
that I want to experience more out of life and I am the only one who is going to make
that happen. Also want to find or inspire others to do the same for themselves so, they
can get what they want.

Dreams do still come true and yours can also. Lets make it happen.

How Badly Do You Want Freedom

With the 4th of July holiday approaching us in the U.S.A., I felt this is the
ideal time to get this message out to you. I do not know about you but for
me the 4th is one of the top holidays for me during the year. It just seems
to be a reminder of how this country was formed and that we have the
chance to obtain our personal freedom if we are willing to do what it takes
for it.

Now is a good time for everyone to consider their situation and decide what
they are going to do about it. Read that statement again because it is the
only way things are going to change for you. You have to decide it and then
make it happen.

There are three kinds of people in the world – those who make things happen,
those who watch things happen and those who wonder what the heck has just

Most of the time, people who want to achieve freedom badly enough will fall into
the first category of ‘happening’ people.

Freedom can come in many forms – time freedom, financial freedom or the
freedom to spend time with your friends, relatives, church members and other
community services. There is also health freedom that many are in search of.
But there is one very important thing about freedom…

Freedom isn't free! You have to fight for it. The American colonists fought for
their independence in a bloody war just because they wanted to be free. But in
network marketing, we are fighting a very different kind of war… it is a war of freedom.

The American economy hasn't been stable as of late. If you do not fight hard for
your cash, you will wind up being swept away by the tide. After all, getting more
money isn't an easy affair anymore. Investors are starting to save money. Customers
are no longer willing to spend. Banks are tightening their credit and rising oil prices
are making lives harder and harder for people.

When you consider time freedom, you must also remember that this is the 21st century.
We have microwaves, cable ‘on-demand’ TV, faster downloads, more convenient
transport and instant email. However, our lives are not getting easier. People are
expecting more and more. Working hours are no longer 9-5 as employees work late into
the night for the same pay. For the first time since the history of the industrial revolution,
people are actually working more and more for the same or less pay.

Lastly, when you consider the stress of the world and the strain it takes on relationships,
you must fight for your loved ones more and more! Being buried in the office isn’t a
productive way to live your life. After all, no one lies on their deathbed wondering if they
should have spent more time in the office.

When you consider all the facts above, one striking fact remains… Are you working hard
enough in your network marketing business? Are you giving your very best for your
downlines? Are you working hard to be a good ambassador of your great business
opportunity? At the end of the day, are you working hard enough to attain your freedom?
Only you can answer this question – how badly do you want your freedom?

This article is geared towards those in network marketing but the major idea can be applied
even if you are not. There are some others ways to fight for your freedom such as
learning how to better your money and investing in yourself.

So, if you are ready to fight for your freedom once and for all, join me as I begin
my journey. Contact me so that we can go over the plan I will be using and see
if it is something that will work for you.

Sorry, There Will Not Be A Replay

Real quick! I just got news from Ferny, Ray and Tim that tonight's 
'Instant Results Formula' training webinar will NOT be recorded!

They are looking for serious folks who are committed to using their 
system for quick results and are basically assuming that whoever is 
on tonight's webinar is committed!

Over 1300 people are registered for this webinar, which only holds 
1000. However, if you arrive at least 30 - 40 minutes early, you will 
likely be able to grab a spot.

They will also be launching No Excuses Summit 5 tickets, in case 
you want them to personally walk you step-by-step through the 
'Instant Results Formula' they will be revealing tonight.

You Don’t Have To Start Over.

Have you ever had this happen to you…
You start building a mailing list. Using highly effective techniques, you begin collecting subscribers.
Your list grows and grows… and reasonably, you’d expect your profits to increase as well, right?
Bet you were surprised when your revenue stayed stagnant. Yeah, I was too.
Click here to find out how to breathe life into a dying mailing list (without starting over!)
My good friend, Dr. Ben Adkins, is exposing how a promising mailing list can turn sour. And he’s bringing it to you live on Friday, February 14th at 10am EST on the “FUMP Launch Party.”
That means you can get direct access, and ask him any questions you may have!
Honestly, I never thought it was possible to revive a dead list…
But by using a carefully crafted set of emails, Dr. Ben’s revealing his step-by-step method for transforming a cold list into a steady profit stream.
Click here to get started now.
Talk to you soon,
P.S. The doors are only open on this offer for a limited time.  So if your list is on it’s way to the grave (or you just want to put some ‘oomph’ in your profits), the only way to secure your spot is by clicking the link above now.

Secrets to Masterful Manifestation

How would you like to become more skilled at turning your dreams into 
reality with greater ease?

I know I’m sure in for that!  And if becoming more masterful at 
manifestation is something that appeals to you too, I’ve got great news.

On Saturday, February 8th at 10:00 am Pacific time, 1:00 pm Eastern time,
The Shift Network is hosting Marcia Wieder, the founder of Dream University 
and personal coach to thought leaders like Jack Canfield, on a FREE 
call titled: From Magical Thinking to Masterful Manifestation: 
How to Create Real Results.   

Register here for FREE:

What I love most about Marcia is she’s known as the “practical 
visionary’s” teacher.  Her approach to manifestation doesn't promise 
to make it effortless or instant (which are more magical fantasies), 
but rather how to make it more joyful, exciting, and effective, as well 
as aligned with your heart and soul.

Marcia knows, perhaps better than anyone I’ve ever come in contact 
with, how to help you tap into your natural enthusiasm and use your 
passion as your fuel to take your vision and boldly turn them into 
concrete, successful results. She's deeply spiritual and no-nonsense 
practical at the same time.

Marcia knows, perhaps better than anyone I’ve ever come in contact with, 
how to help you tap into your natural enthusiasm and use your passion as 
your fuel to take your vision and boldly turn them into concrete, successful 
results. She's deeply spiritual and no-nonsense practical at the same time.

Click here to learn more and register (it’s FREE!):

Basic Taxes for Home Based Business Owners

Taxes are the one expense that universally every business has
to worry about. Many business owners don't pay enough attention
to taxes. Your taxes can amount to as much as a third of all your
income. It makes sense to learn as much as you can about how
to mitigate and reduce your taxes.

Here are some of the most important things you need to know
about how to lower your tax bill, while still keeping on Uncle Sam's
good side.

==> Document, Document, Document

The secret to success with taxes is to document everything.
Document where all your income came from. Document all your
expenses. Document who you ate dinner with and what you talked

Receipts can be stored physically or digitally. There are a lot of
different scanning and record keeping services online today that
make it easy to keep accurate records.

==> Cash Method versus Accrued Method

Decide whether to use the cash method or the accrued method
for tracking your expenses. Talk to your accountant to see which
makes the most sense for your company.

With the cash method, you count your profits and losses the
moment cash is made or lost. With accrued, you count it when
the cashflow is added to the books, rather than when the cash hits
the bank. So if you make a sale today but don't get paid for 60 days,
that money is still accrued today.

This has a huge impact on your taxes. For example, with the cash
method, if you had a big profit this year you could pay up front for all
your advertising for the next six months and actually "lose money"
for the year even though you were profitable.

==> You Get about $5,000 Free Each Year

Know that every year you get about $5,000 of tax free income.
The exact number changes from year to year.

==> Deducting Your Home Office

If you have a home office, that office can be deducted. In order for
this to count, you must have an area of your home that's used
exclusively for business.

Figure out what percentage of your home's square footage is taken
up by your home office. You can deduct that percentage of your rent
as a business expense.

==> Depreciation

Depreciation is a tax credit for "things breaking down" or getting less
valuable over time. All office equipment, including computers and
printers and chairs, has depreciation deductions.

If you own your home, you can even get a depreciation deduction
for your home office space.

==> Turbo Tax versus Accountants

Should you file your own taxes or should you hire an accountant?

If your taxes are relatively simple and you've filed your taxes with an
accountant for the last few years, using TurboTax is perfectly okay.

On the other hand, if it's your first time filing taxes as a home based
business, going with a real accountant can help make the process a
lot smoother. They'll be able to answer any questions you have and
help you identify ways to save money.

Taxes are a complex thing. Fortunately, you really only need to figure
it out once. Once you know how it works, you'll be able to track all your
expenses and deductions in a fairly intuitive manner.

Top Questions to Ask before Launching Your Own Business

If you have decided to launch a business, you have made a very courageous choice.
There are many things you need to know before launching a new business. There is
inventory to take into consideration, initial start-up cost and upkeep, hiring employees,
sales, marketing...and the list goes on extensively.

Here are some top questions you need to ask yourself before launching your own business.
Are you launching this business for the right reasons? Sometimes an individual or a
group of individuals will launch a business because they think it is expected of them or
because it is a family tradition to do so. Other reasons are simply for the monetary benefits.
With high hopes of making tons of money, sometimes a new entrepreneur may lose sight
of his or her customer.

Once you examine your motives behind starting up a new business, go on to the next
important question. Once you know what type of business you want to begin, ask yourself
who your target audience is. Knowing that you want to create a business and knowing what
that business is will simply not be enough. You need to know who your target audience is
and who your ideal customer is.

Honing in on a target audience is something that you can delve into even deeper by creating
a specific niche and then going on to create a sub-niche. In this manner, you will be certain
that you have focused on a specific need for an even more specific customer.

Have you thoroughly researched your action plan? Setting goals and measuring them is
essential when launching a new business. Put a plan into motion, but allow yourself flexibility
to expand on that original plan. Ask yourself if your business plan is too narrow minded or if
it will achieve the desired outcome you seek and go beyond even that.

Make sure you research if there is enough demand for the product or service you are offering
or if you will be just another company offering the same old thing. Ask yourself if you can put a
new innovative twist onto something tried and true.

Ask yourself how much time you are willing to dedicate to this business. What if this business
is something that you will find success with right away? Are you willing and able to put the time
and trouble in if it does become successful right away?

Also, think about whether or not this is a part-time business or a full-time endeavor. Do you have
enough funds to last for six months to a year until your business becomes steady enough to stand
on its own two feet?

Once you are able to answer these important questions, you can be well on your way to having
a successful business endeavor.

Are You Done Yet?

A few years back there was a movie called "Are We There Yet"
that featured Ice Cube and Nia Long as the leading actor & actress.
It was based on them taking a trip along with Nia's two kids and
the things they went thru on the trip.

Children being impatience as they can be where asking are we
there yet to know if they had reached their destination. Doing also
to be annoying to the grown ups.

That gave me the idea for the title of this post as to what I wanted
to write about.

You see I have seen a trend during the summer & winter around
the holidays that we have a number of deaths in the community.
Now I know that people die all the time but when it is close to
home or within your own family it should make you take notice.

Take notice of it how you may ask. To that I say that should
show you that life is short even if you live to be 100 years old.
Another way to say it is that you do not have a lot time to get
things done. So, if you want to see them actually accomplished
then you better get busy.Time does not stand still or wait on

If you do not make the most of it while you can it will be lost
never to get it back. You can leverage it by getting others to
do some of the things you do now. Or eliminate the ones that
are not moving you forward in life.

It is one of my resolutions to better manage my time so that
I can get more done & have the time to spend with my family
& friends. Plus do other things that I think are important &
to have some fun.

To be more successful this you do the things you need to do
to get you where you want to go. Or want to accomplish so,
when it is time to crossover there will not be any regrets.

New Year and New Beginnings

Well I want to take this time to welcome you all to your chance at
new beginnings. Since it is the start of a new year it is also your
opportunity start a new project that will help you get what you want.

I say a new beginning because most people have not moved forward
on any or the majority of their goals from last year which they could
build on. People are good at talking  about what they are going to
do but never get started. If they do start they seem to never finish
it like they are suppose to.

That is why they never have the success which they are looking
for. Isn't it time to stop that vicious cycle and to start taking
action to complete what it is you are after?

For me it is one of the biggest problems I have and the one that I
shall be working on overcoming the hardest this year. If you would
just put down on paper what you want, develop a plan to get it and
then work that plan until it is accomplished how great it would be.

If you are ready to finally get something done then be on the lookout
as I will be posting more tips and suggestions to help you.

Looking forward to all of your success this year as it is your turn
to make it happen. It all depends on you taking action.