It seems like the year just started a few days ago & we are all ready into the 2nd quarter. Feels like I am in one those fast paced basketball games we have been enjoying.
We are coming up on the close of March Madness 2018, with tonight's game crowning the men's winning team. How well did you do in the first quarter of the year? Have you accomplished all you set out to or did you go down like Virginia did in the first round?
To be perfectly honest with you, I did not get anything going right. I had a few things going I did start but did not build momentum. So, I am going to have to start over. That is the good thing about life, you do get a chance to start again. In sports when you lose you are done until the next year.
Its time to hit the reset button. Now we need to get the plans out & move double time to implement them. That is usually the problem with not getting anything accomplished, we never get started. I am writing my goals down for the next 90 days & posted them so, I can see them all the time. Next will come the plans to reach the goals. Then they have to be put into action, actually implement. It is going to be work involved so just suck it up & get it done.
However, the main thing you have to do is to make the decision to do it. Ask yourself, is what you currently doing working for you? If not, then it's time to make a change so that it will.
I will be building on the thoughts in this post so, if you want o get the updates join the network.