4 Seasons of Marketing Part 1
You know just as we have seasons of the year, I have found that there are seasons
to marketing as well. Each season has a specifc purpose and if you apply it to your
marketing, you should reap a bountiful harvest.
Now ther are four parts to this but I am only going to give you the first one now. That is
so you will focus on it as you prepare for the next season. Now you may be doing this
all ready and if not you should consider it especially if you have not did all that you wanted
to this year. The wintertime season of marketing of which we are entering now is the first phase.
During this time you will be planning, preparation, and production phases. It is the end
of the year and this is when most businesses make their last big push to have a
successful year. However, it is also the time to plan what you are going to do next
year so that the momentum will be with you as it comes in.
What sales are you going to have for the holidays or special events in your area?
How are you going to reach out to your target market(s)? What messages are
you going to be sending them to get them to buy from you? How are you going to
become a more effective business person so that you get more done in less time?
These are just some questions to think about as you make your plans.
Following that you are going to need to prepare material to answer those questions.
Figureing out where else might your target market be shopping at. What do they like
to do. What problems are they having and how bad do they want a solution. What are
they willing to pay for that solution. Where can you find the solution for them so that you
do not have to create it yourself, especially if it is something that you do not normally do.
Then there is the production phase of this season. This is when you get the plans you
laid out and prepared into a workable format. To me this means actions steps to
implament in order to achieve the goals you set. You will have momentum on your
side and a strong foundation to build your business on. Remember that you are
preparing your marketing as the farmer prepares the soil before he plants the seeds.
So, do not look for your harvest just yet.
Now this may seem simply and not worth your time but I believe if you just think about
how you could use this, it may save you time and help you to be more profitable this time
next year just as you finish you harvest. However, you do not have musch time left for this
season because a portion of it has all ready slipped by us. I should have had this post out
last month.
The main thing is to do it or something like it so that you achieve what you set out for
next year. So much is not done or achieve because we do not follow those three littlle
steps. Well, I do not know about you but I am going to being doing it so my baskets
will be full when harvest time comes around.
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