If you're fed up, read this...


I know it’s Monday and that your time
is at a premium thanks to all of the
Holiday preparations…

If there was a better time to send this,
I would… But it’s simply too important…

Over the past week, I’ve sent you a
few emails about a project that my
friend Mike Dillard created last year
that I’m very passionate about called
The Elevation Group…

Basically, he’s been showing the
Middle Class how to turn these times
of economic hardship into massive
financial opportunity, but…

We’ve been holding out on you…

There is an infinitely bigger agenda
behind this project that I’ve known
about for a few weeks…

One that will affect you, your children,
and millions of people around the
world in the coming years…

If you are fed up with the corruption
on Wall Street and in Washington,
then you will jump for joy when you
see this…

They are literally going to change
 the world, which is why I’ve been
 so passionate about sharing this
 message with you…

Today I finally get to share that plan
with you, and ask you for your help…

Please take a moment to watch this
video with your significant other
tonight... (Especially if you have,
or plan to have children).

The video will be released at 9:00pm EST
at the link below. Go before that time & watch
video 1 & 2.


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